What an awesome event, another great day out at Paul Cluver wine estate in Grabouw.
With the rain and mud I think it took me back to my youth ~ I had such a blast on the mountain bike (MTB) section. Paul Cluver really has some awesome single track and I will return for some more MTB.
Given the expected rain I chose to switch from my usual 29″ to my 26″ MTB and I think I got it right. I had removed my cleats from the 26″ (so my kids can start riding on a 26″ instead of their 24″) but otherwise the light weight and agility of the 26″ was really helpful on the muddy single track.
The 800m swim was enjoyable, I had tried to give the washing machine a go (swimming in the middle of the field) ~ bad move on my part and after 150m I slowed down and moved to the right (the swim was 2 loops of 3 left shoulder turns). I finished the swim in 18 minutes, I had hoped for a 15 minute swim because 2 days prior I had done a 1600m ocean swim in under 34 minutes, but alas next time.
The MTB route included some sections of the ‘Wine2Whales’ route, an event that is now firmly on my bucket list. The 21km route I completed within 1 1/2 hours.
The trail run was a 10km run through the farm and included some more fantastic (MTB) single track. I completed the run in an hour.
Overall I complete the triathlon within 3 hours, which was my goal, till next year….